Physiotherapists - Physical Therapist Wanted in Canada!
What does this mean?
Physiotherapist - Physical Therapist or any other related title that goes with this code (clicking on the links will give you a detailed list of duties for the occupation) are at present part of the 29 In Demand Occupations or the eligible Occupations for Canada Immigration.
With the current program, qualified applicants will get their Visa Results within 6 months to one year!
Which means that being in the 29 in demand list mean that your profession is currently needed in all of Canada.
The list of Eligible occupations will change yearly.
Relatively, next change will be on July 1, 2011.
If you are a qualified applicant, you must hurry and send in your application right away for reasons that when the occupations list changes and your profession is omitted, you will no longer be able to apply.
Moreover, there are only 1000 slots allocated per occupation, if it gets filled out Citizenship and Immigration Canada will stop processing applications for that particular occupation, which also means that you will lose the opportunity to get a Permanent Residents Visa for Canada.
At present there is still more than 800 plus slots available for Physiotherapists - Physical Therapist (as of January 17, 2011 report from Citizenship and Immigration Canada).
But it is closing in fast.
If you do not make a move now, it will be too late for you to take advantage of this opportunity.
What will make you Eligible for this program?
The ultimate basis of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in choosing who they will grant a Permanent Resident Visa are those clients who will pass the Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Selection Criteria (Click to the link to read about this topic).
Although, in a Nut shell applicants who are Physiotherapists - Physical Therapist with a College Education, 4 years work experience as a Physiotherapists - Physical Therapist, and those who has enough points for their International English Testing System - IELTS - will have great chances of passing!
Points needed for the English Test as well as the number of work experience needed to be eligible varies depending on the clients circumstance.
If you are interested to find out if you are qualified, you can do either of the following:
1. Fill out the Online Assessment Form by clicking on this link - Online Assessment Form.
2. Send in your resume for assessment to including answers to the following questions:
Are you married? If yes, tell us your spouses Education in College and innumerate spouses work experience.
Do you have first degree relatives(parents siblings - Aunt or Uncle, Nephew or Niece of legal Age, Grandparents) in Canada?
Include your answers to these questions in the resume that you will send.
3. Visit our office for either a one on one discussion or to attend the Canadian Immigration Orientation Seminar.
* Canadian Immigration Consultancy, Ground Floor Uniwide Coastal Mall, Tambo Paranaque City
* Canadian Immigration Consultancy, Unit 301, 3rd Floor, Building F/Northlink, SM North Edsa, Quezon City
Office Schedule:
Monday to Sunday
9am till 6pm
Trunk lines: 3011060 loc. 8407 or 3528324
Mobile: 0917 541 5000
Click on this link to view seminar details:
Seminar Schedule for January and February 2011
Canadian Immigration Consultancy is the Philippine's largest immigration consulting firm for Canada. We are not a recruitment agency.
We provide assistance in Permanent Resident Visa application for those who want to legally live and work in Canada with their family.
This maybe your chance to finally Live and Work outside of the Philippines!
Act now!
For those of you who are not in the 29 in demand occupations list, you still have the chance to get a Visa, to find out how please click on the following link:
A closer look at the 29 in demand Occupations
Or you can give us a call and ask about the Privilege account.
If you are serious about your plan to Immigrate to Canada you must apply right away!
Otherwise loose this opportunity forever!
Dreaming of a Better Quality Life is one thing, doing something to make it happen is another thing.
Note: This post Physiotherapists - Physical Therapist Wanted in Canada, is intended to explain the Immigration opportunities for this profession.