Part of the things they changed was the list of Eligible Occupations. From the 38 high demand Occupations, they announced a new list tabbed as the "29 In Demand Occupations".
And I quote:
"Effective immediately, to be eligible to apply as a federal skilled worker, applicants must either have a job offer, or they must have experience in one of 29 in-demand occupations. These occupations were identified through analysis of updated labour market information and consultations with provinces, territories, stakeholders and the public.
For those applying under the occupation list, the government will limit the number of applications considered for processing to 20,000 per year as a way to better manage the supply of applications with labour market demand. Within the 20,000 limit, a maximum of 1,000 applications per occupation will be considered. The limit does not apply to applicants with a job offer.
In addition, all federal skilled worker and Canadian Experience Class applicants must submit the results of an independent language test before they will be considered."
Moreover, applicants now need to submit Certified True Copies/Original documents to the Centralized Intake Office - CIO, in the first stage of their applications.
Which would include the International English Language Testing System - IELTS - results.
Those who are eligible to apply, will benefit from the speedy processing that the changes brought forward.
Those who will apply right away will receive the results within 6 months to a year, as compared to the old system where applications were processed within 6 years.
Herewith is the actual list; [format - NOC code actual Occupation]:
0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers
0811 Primary Production Managers (Except Agriculture)
1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management
1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners
2121 Biologists and Related Scientists
2151 Architects
3111 Specialist Physicians
3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians
3113 Dentists
3131 Pharmacists
3142 Physiotherapists
3152 Registered Nurses
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists
3222 Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists
3233 Licensed Practical Nurses
4151 Psychologists
4152 Social Workers
6241 Chefs
6242 Cooks
7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades
7241 Electricians (Except Industrial & Power System)
7242 Industrial Electricians
7251 Plumbers
7265 Welders & Related Machine Operators
7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics
7371 Crane Operators
7372 Drillers & Blasters - Surface Mining, Quarrying & Construction
8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service
At present one of the occupations listed, 1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management has already closed because the quota for that occupation has already been filled out, as well as Occupation 3152 Registered Nurses.
It is normal that because of said changes, applicants will have apprehensions.
The following are some the most common concerns of an applicant:
1. What if I do not get the English Proficiency results that I need? * (To know about this requirement please click - IELTS and Canada Immigration and IELTS Results)
2. What if the quota gets filled out for my application before I complete the requirements needed?
3. What is the guarantee that I will get the Visa when I apply?
There are actually several ways to look at the changes in the regulation.
But before I go there let me pose this question to you.
Do you really want to get a Permanent Residents Visa for Canada?
Why I ask is because, the degree of commitment that you have for your plan will greatly affect the outcome of your application.
One way of treating this application is to give up your plan to Immigrate to Canada.
If you feel that your apprehensions are too great to overcome, then do not send in your application.
What can I say, Canada is not for everyone.
On the other hand, if you really want to go to Canada because you want to get that better quality of life for yourself and for your Family, VIA Canada's various Social Benefits , then I suggest that you take a closer look at the options being laid on your plate.
Sure your Education and work experience has gotten you as far as getting you your current Job in the Philippines, but is it enough to safeguard your well-being if ever you experience uncontrollable and unforeseen calamities in life such as accident, prolonged sickness in the Family or death in the Family?
Not to mention the usual high cost of living, due to your current expenses in the family which may Include the high cost of Education and Health Care.
In Canada Education can be free, Health Care is Free, the government will even take part in the expense of raising your children c/o Canada's Child Tax Benefit- CTB (read about Canada Benefits for your Family by clicking this link).
To take advantage of said benefits an applicant must take note of the changes in the
Federal Skilled Workers application processing system, as mentioned above.
An applicant, must submit their original-valid English Exam Results - IELTS.
An applicant must comply with the set of documents required by the Centralized Intake Office - CIO, *to read more please click on CIC website Checklist.
In a nutshell, those who will benefit from the current - Fast Processing speed are those who are ready to submit their applications.
So how does these changes affect you?
If you are in the list of Eligible occupations for processing (29 in demand occupations for processing ), it is without a doubt that you should hurry and submit your application ASAP!
The list of eligible occupations is subject to change, and has limited slots.
If you delay your application and the list of occupation changes, you will no longer be able to apply.
If the quota for your occupation gets filled out, because you delayed filing your application, you will no longer be able to apply.
Do not wait till you get your IELTS results, before you start gathering your documents.
You should do this simultaneously.
You may think that you have all the necessary documents ready, but in our experience, it is likely that you do not have the correct requirements at hand.
The CIO is very strict, inconsistent applications will be returned.
Incomplete applications will be returned.
Send in incorrect documents and or forms and your application will be returned.
Part of our services as a consultant, is to guide you get the correct documents as you try to complete your full application package.
As we say small mistakes causes big problems, start it right the first time and safeguard your application results.
A qualified applicant must not hesitate to send in his or her application, a proper and timely application means better chances of getting the permanent Residents Visa.
For those applicants who are uncertain of applying because they still do not have most of the requirements like the IELTS exam, I have this to say...
Why did you study in college?
When you were at it were you certain that you will pass your board exam?
Were you guaranteed of employment?
A better quality of life by finishing your degree?
If you did not pass your board exam, will you not take it again?
Sad to say, that in life there is no guarantee, but rather than being fearful of not being able to comply with the requirements, you should at least find out what they are, and decide whether being able to go to Canada is what you want.
If it is, then do everything in your power to comply with your requirements, get our services and benefit from our experience in overcoming possible problems in your application.
Sending in your application is necessary in achieving a result.
Do not be like the person who prays to win the Lottery but never buys a ticket! :)
If your occupation is still not within the list of Eligible occupations, but have experience in National Occupations Classifications - NOC - O, A or B (Managerial, Skilled or Trade or Professional Occupations click on this link), and you want to immigrate to Canada, you should give us a call and ask about the Privilege Plan.
This particular plan will give you a head start, make you ready for the time that you are already eligible to apply for an Immigrants Visa for Canada.
As we speak, our serious clients are already starting to complete their full application package to anticipate the change in the list. So that if their occupations are called they can file right away and be sure that their applications will be part of the quota that the Canadian Government set.
Since the Full Application package is required on the first part of the application process, if you are an interested client, you have no choice but to do the same. Not doing so would mean that you are taking away the opportunity to apply for the program.
What is good about this plan is, since the same set of requirements that we compile are also the set that is required by other countries open for Immigration like UK, New Zealand, Australia and US, as well as the requirements needed in a job application for Abroad, going through with the Privilege plan makes you ready for any opportunity for Immigration or work that may come your way.
A smart person does not just ask about his opportunity for Canada, and only starts completing his or her application when his or her Occupation is already in in the list of Eligible Occupations.
A smart person, makes sure that he or she is already complete with his application requirements even before his occupation is already in the list of Eligible Occupations, so that he can file right away when an opportunity opens up for him.
The Privilege Plan aims to do just that, for a minimal fee, we will help you get ready with your documentary requirements that will allow you to take advantage of your opportunity when it is already the time that your occupation gets called.
It is money well spent.
It is sometimes funny to note, that a big portion of the applicants that I talk to, wants to either Immigrate or work outside of the country but does not even have a passport.
Getting your documents in order, means that you are opening doors and windows of opportunity for yourself.
Be the smart person and give us a call right now.
Tel. 301 1060 loc 8407
Look for Cristina Valla or Jay Araneta to schedule for an appointment.
Or have your credentials assessed by filling out the Online assessment form *click in this link. Take note that only completely filled out application forms will receive assessment result replies.
People do not plan to Fail, they fail because they forget to Plan...
Only those who are serious about their plans for Canada will be the ones to get the benefit of being processed within 6 months to a year...
IMPORTANT! The same list of Eligible occupations will be used for the next change in the regulation on July 1, 2011, apply now!!!!