July 3, 2010 Visa Party

The very first Visa party that our company (Canadian Immigration Consultancy) held at the new venue "the Bayview Park Hotel Manila" (a 3-star hotel located along Roxas Boulevard, Manila) turned out to be a huge success, more than 100 individuals attended said event.

Canadian Immigration Consultancy is the largest Canada Immigration Firm in the Philippines, the monthly CIC Visa Party is held every month, to celebrate the success of some of our applicants who recently received their Permanent Residents Visa.
Its an event which consist of two simultaneous activities the In-House Pre-departure Orientation Seminar - PDOS for the Visa grantees and an Orientation Seminar for individuals who wants to learn their options for Canada; followed by the Main Event, a dinner where the proud Visa grantees share their experience, how they managed to overcome their difficulties in the application and what solutions they had to do to overcome their problems.

Mr. Apolonio Apuntar discusses various opportunities for Canada

Senior Consultant Frank Gordon welcoming Visa grantees and guests

Party Hosts Gold and Jay with Client

Mr. Apol Apuntar with Clients Mr. and Mrs. Rillo

Mandatory Party Pictures for the CIC Ladies

Event Planner, Mitch Ramos with Apol Apuntar

Interested applicants are very eager to listen to the Stories of the Visa grantees and are very pleased with the lesson they learn from the application stories.
As more and more Visa's are being issued due to the revision on the Fast and Easy program for Permanent Visa application of Canada, where applicants can get their Visa within 6 months to a year, a lot of interested are applicants are reserving seats for the Next Visa party, reserve on-line by clicking on the Online Reservation form, before you ran out of slots for the seats.
If you are interested to go to Canada we are inviting you to attend the Visa Party for August 7, 2010 here are the details of the event:
Time - 4pm
Venue - Bayview Park Hotel Manila (a 3-star hotel located along Roxas Boulevard, Manila)
Map (click on this link and view map on my previous post).
Seminar Fee - P600.00 per attendee
Must read : If you have a college Education, 4 years work experience in the new in Demand occupations of Canada, (List of 29 in Demand List of Canada), then you are eligible to apply for the Federal Skilled Workers Permanent Residents application for Canada, where if you apply right away you will get your application results within 6 to 12 months!
But you have to apply soon otherwise, you will no longer be able to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Do not let this happen to you...
To have your credentials assessed please fill out the On-line assessment Form, by clicking on this link.
If you have already been assessed and you are qualified, you should not delay starting your application, if they reach the quota(click on link to read about quota) they need per occupation they will change the list again.
Important Note: Do not forget that we can help only those that help themselves, all we can do is to guide you on how to get the PR VISA if you are in the In Demand Occupations of Canada, but it is your choice whether you want to take advantage of your current opportunity by starting your application or to throw it away.