Credit Card Payment for Visa Processing Fee Is Now Accepted
Last September 8, 2009, Federal Skilled Worker program applicants sent a publication allowing applicants to pay Visa Processing fees with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express).
Payment Fee Form (IMM 5620)
Credit Card Payment portion of Payment Fee Form (IMM 5620)
In addition to the sets of application forms required by Centralized Intake Office (CIO), all applicants need to complete the Fee Payment Form – Application for Permanent Residence – Federal Skilled Worker (IMM 5620), regardless of the chosen method of payment.
In this relation Canadian Immigration Consultancy, the consultancy I am associated in, also accepts online payment option using your credit card.
All these efforts to make your application more convenient. With said options, applications will increase in volume, so you have to start your application right away, otherwise you will get left behind.