You may need your Candidate Number, Passport ID Number, Date of Birth and Date you took the test to verify your IELTS result or ask that your result be sent to you via electronic mail.
Here are the links to their websites:
Clicking on the image will direct you to their website to find out about Test Results, Address of IELTS Centers, IELTS Exam Schedules and others.

If you took the IELTS specifically for the purposes of proving your English proficiency for your Federal Skilled Worker and Professional application for Canadian Permanent Residents Visa, and was told that getting the Canada Immigration's perfect score of 16 points for Speaking = 6.5; Reading = 6.5; Writing = 6.5; Listening = 7.5 is not realistic (read IELTS and Canadian Immigration).
Here is actual proof of my clients test result:
For confidentiality purposes my clients picture and name was crossed out.
My client did not take any formal review and is working full time as a Certified Public Accountant.
How did she manage to get these IELTS results?
It starts from acknowledging the fact that the International English Language Testing (IELTS) is not an easy Test.
Then you have to find out which among the respective bands namely: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - you are weak so that you can strive to improve your skills on those areas.
For this it helps to take a Simulation Exam to find out your weaknesses.
Do not be discouraged with the results of the practice test, it will mostly show poor results for reasons that this will be the first time that you will take the exam.
Rather than putting yourself down and wallowing in self pity you have to set your goals and work on them.
The results of your Simulation Exam will give you an idea as to whether you still need formal review or can manage a "do it yourself review kit" or render self interview.
Be persistent on your goals and take another simulation exam to determine if you are ready to plunge in to take the Actual Test.
Here is an important Fact.
Filipinos are known worldwide for our high level of proficiency in using the English Language. Take pride on that and believe that you too will get good results.
If you maintain a negative attitude and believe that you will do poorly, chances are you will fail.
Overcoming the challenge of an IELTS examination, like most exams and adversities in our life, is mostly a matter of having the right mindset; a good positive attitude.
Belief in oneself is a very powerful tool. You are what you think, you will become what you want to become, you will get your targeted IELTS results if you want to.
For questions and clarifications about the new Federal Skilled Worker class regulations please read the following link:
or email me at