From 2003 until 2008 it used to be that there were more than 300 occupations eligible to apply for Federal Skilled Workers class immigration for Canada.
As an immigration consultancy company, we tried our best to convince qualified applicants to start their applications because of the many benefits an applicant will get by immigrating to Canada:
Free Health Care
Free Education for your Kids
More than Adequate Disability and Retirement income
Allowances for your Children (Child Tax Benefit)
Unemployment Income
And Others…
A lot of people were interested. But a few really pursued their plans for their own personal reasons. We tried to tell them that they had to start their applications while the condition was still in their favor, but they took their time because they thought they had this option at anytime they wished to start.
They were wrong. Last November 28, 2008 a new regulation was implemented, Citizenship and Immigration Canada is only processing 38 high demand occupations at present.
Let me give you an idea on the difference between the old and new regulation, it used to be that all Engineers were qualified to apply; right now only 3 engineering professions on specialized fields are on the list. With this bad news, comes good news. Those professions still in the list (click link to view qualified occupations) will be processed between 6 to 12 months.
There is a lesson to be learned here.
You should apply while you are still qualified for the program. Regulations changes constantly, when it does, it might affect your eligibility.
The government of Canada has opened this portal for you to go to Canada, but this is for a limited time only. Once they receive their desired number of applicants for a particular occupation, they will definitely close this program. When they do, who knows when you will be able to have the chance to apply again?
More and more applicants are applying everyday not only from the Philippines but the rest of the world, do not let them take your spot.
Act now! Apply today.
If you are qualified, we can help you.
With our track record and more than 20 years of experience in sending people to Canada as Immigrants, we have the total solution to help and guide you in your application.
Email us your concern. It does not matter where you are in the world, we can help you.
Give us a Call, better yet you can either attend our seminar or visit us at our office.
Seminar Schedule
We are located at Canadian Immigration Consultancy, Ground floor, Uniwide Sales Coastal Mall.